DAY 1:Â Information day
November 9th, 2020
Learn everything you need to know about how to do a postdoc at these excellent German universities and the financing opportunities in Germany.
Venue: Online (Brazil)
10:00 AM (BRT)
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome & Moderation: Sören Metz, Technical University of Munich
Welcome Words: Marcio Weichert, German Centre for Research and Innovation São Paulo
Doing your postdoc in Germany – an Introduction: Christiane Wüllner, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
10:15 AM (BRT)
Opportunities & Funding | Lectures
German Research Foundation (DFG): Christina Peters
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH): Andréa Simone Stucchi de Camargo
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Graziele Lautenschläger
EURAXESS: Charlotte Grawitz
10:45 AM (BRT)
Funding Q&A
11:00 AM (BRT)
Universities – Opportunities & Funding | Lectures
​Postdoc opportunities at:
University of Münster (WWU): Laura Redondo
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB): Jörn Benzinger
Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin): Christian Lazar
Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin): Jan an Haack
University of Potsdam (UP): Sven Dinklage
Technical University of Munich (TUM): Neele Meyer & Björn Jahnke
11:30 AM (BRT)
How to get started. Ask your peers!
Personal and academic requirements, where to look for calls and job offers, first contact with a potential host, and much more! Discuss with Brazilian alumni: Thiago Lima Nicodemo (UNICAMP / Alumnus FU Berlin), Andréa Simone Stucchi de Camargo (USP / Alumna WWU). Moderated by Sven Dinklage & Laura Redondo
12:00 PM (BRT)
Matchmaking, Closing Remarks, Summary and Wrap Up
Organizers & Sponsors
This online workshop is organized by: Freie Universität Berlin, Technical University of Munich, the University of Münster, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the University of Potsdam and Technische Universität Berlin. Our partners and sponsors are: DAAD, DFG, DWIH São Paulo, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and EURAXESS.